The Marriage Hub Online Marriage Intensive
Our 3-day Marriage Intensive program has been rated in the Top-10 in the country and is designed to repair broken relationships for the long term.
Dr. Bruce and Karen McCracken
BEFORE YOU GET STARTED ... Setting the "stage" for your online "intensive"
Let's get started!
Let's "wake Jesus up" in the midst of our marital storm!
FREE PREVIEWThat's the way God planned it ... Genesis 2
The Fall -- How and Why it ALL Went Wrong!
Building Your House on the Rock
The 3 Journeys of Marriage
Neediness versus Connectedness
The 3 States of Marriage
Conflict ... the nexus to intimacy or isolation
How do we grow our "Giver" side?
What is Safety in Marriage
What can I do that can make our marriage safe?
What is trust and how do you rebuild it.
Discover your fear buttons
Why we build "walls" and how to dismantle them
You are your biggest marital problem ...but you are also its best solution!
Forgiveness what it is ... isn't ... and how to ask for it.
How to Experience a Communication Breakthrough!
Conflict ... the crucible of intimacy
Self Care: the fuel that powers our relationships
Session 12 - Nourishing and Cherishing Your Spouse
Closing Challenges